Still hot. Get the picture. This place is a fucking furnace. Luckily, I have friends who are not only incredibly generous, but well-endowed with a pool. In fact, one of my favorite couples has a lovely pool, and I spent almost all of yesterday in that pool, escaping the heat, and getting drunk. My brother made the merciless observation that I have not held a real job now in over a year. Yes, I have held momentary occupation here and there, but meaningful, long-term focused employment, well, no. And somehow, I have not caved in on myself in debt. That's not a good lesson to teach myself.
The good news is that I have lived a life of ease, and luxury (as much as that has ever been my lifestyle), and not suffered. The bad news is I am going to spend the next 3 years unemployed, or at best, underemployed while I learn how to be an poor artist. Oh, the future looks bright.
I don't know where I got that "socialist-leaning" thing, because I seem to be incredibly obsessed with money. In fact, it's about the only thing I've had on my mind, although I haven't done anything about it, except prod my wife to get a job so that I may continue to be a loser. I know, I know, I ask myself the same question...why is she marrying ME? She's too nice not too? I am a really good hypnotist, and have her convinced that I'm too good to be true. God bless her.
So, shit, let me initiate myself into the world of soapbox rantings by saying that this country is going down the tubes. And I'd like to be quoted as being the first person ever to claim that. Seriously, if you hear anything about that being cliche, fuck that, it's mine, okay? But seriously, think about it. It came to me today, the one-word definition of the "average American", or the "statistical mean-score American Modus Operendi" -- GREED. That's it. That's my one-word definition. When I lived in San Francisco, it was ENTITLEMENT...and I knew I was close...but now I've boiled it down to a single, deadly sin.
It seems to be most clear to me when I'm driving, and I think it's because a) I'm at my most confident because of my sense of glassed-in security and b) so is everyone else. There is no need to be on good behavior, the rules are less clear, and even if someone gives you the finger, it goes through at least one pane of thick "safety-glass" (I mean, come on "safety-glass", that says it all, non?) Think about it -- how many times does someone with their window down, come aside you with your window down, and flip you off. Not that I am getting constantly flipped the bird, but it happens, and it's always in the rearview. As they're passing you, or as you just passed them. And I think it's because we're not afraid of size and strength and wealth in our cars. They're very equalizing. They can all kill an un-carred person, Pinto or Beamer, and people usually don't want to jam on the brakes and cause a full-scale pile-up just to kick your ass. So you're pretty safe being obnoxious, or at least being yourself. Which is not to say that there aren't a large number of very thoughtful drivers, who let you in, who pause a moment when you are trying to make a turn in front of them, after waiting for 10 minutes facing an unending line of traffic, and who wave, an actual all-fingers-present salute, when you do something nice for them. But they are certainly, all-told, a minority.
And the rest of them are out there, being their greedy selves. They take whatever they can get. If you're motoring along, and want to leave a safe 3-second gap between your bumper and the next in front....BOOM, someone's in there, taking up the space. If you're driving down the road, and there's NO one behind you, and someone is waiting to pull out, BOOM, they'll jump right in. Their time is important, and yours is not. Their needs are important, and it doesn't matter that you'll have to slam on the brakes to accomodate them, they NEEDed to go now, even though waiting a split second more, would have been thoughtful.
Here's what sparked today's p&m. Alicia and I were heading into the city via the Schuykill Expy, and there was moderate traffic. And as we entered the on-ramp, it was clear that no one in the right lane of the 2-lane highway was going to move over into the left lane to allow us to merge onto the highway. They were in THEIR lane, and they were entitled to THEIR space, and no one was going to take it from them. So, needless to say, rather than slam into a car going 60 mph, I had to slow to a stop (which makes it MUCH easier to merge), but this apparently pissed off the large van behind me, because she honked a loud angry honk at me, having impeded HER progress, having slowed HER down. Somehow I got on, and the van behind me as well, and proceeded to the next exit in the exit lane, as the traffic had backed up, followed by the van, which at the last moment, dove back into the now-stopped line of traffic, ahead of everyone else in the stopped line. And she wasn't alone. She was only one of many. And that's when I realized that Americans are greedy. First and foremost.
Please, it's not just evident in cars, but that's where it became most clear. It is in every single policy of this government. It is in the $300 million dollar loans top executives give themselves out of company coffers, undetected (!) and un-repaid. It is leeching into every business transaction, and every interpersonal transaction that happens every day, that the end-goal is not beauty, happiness and even prosperity, it is greed. It is no longer a goal to have enough, but rather to have MORE. And that's greed. You'll never get to enough. That's the definition of enough. What's that number? What does one do with $300 million, or $1.2 billion (another personal loan)? What kind of person requires that kind of opulence? Hey, I'm not saying that a certain amount of affluence is bad, like I said, prosperity is not a bad thing. I'm just saying, what happened to making a nice life for yourself and your family? What happened to having sitting in a room surrounded by friends, watching a garden grow you food, and making music? Why do we need outfits that stuff a closet that are made by people who have one hand-me-down t-shirt from UNICEF? And furniture that's new, but been distressed, beaten with a chain to LOOK old? How can we value antiquity, but when something's truly old, we throw it out in disgust? What a fucked up country. I hate this place, and I wish I could see some learning going on, some introspection, some acknowledgement of our role in the world that makes us the target of hatred, and rage.